Thursday, October 4, 2012

Full Moon over Motorcycle

I took this shot last Sunday after a high school senior session. As I was walking to my car I looked up and saw this beautiful moon. I wanted to get a shot with the light house in the foreground but it is all about timing and where you are.  I ran in to this guy named Luke from Zero Motorcycles that had a surfboard attached to his bike and he asked if I would take a quick shot of his bike with the large moon. Now the moon does not look that big in this image but is was a orange harvest moon. It was twilight dark, dark blue sky with a touch of pink. not much light but I have Luke hold up his cell phone that just happen to have a small light on it to help light up his bike. This is all hand held so I was pleased I got a sharp image.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Architectural Photography - Santa Cruz Architectural Photographer

Annie K. Rowland Photography offers high quality architectural photography to local architects and builders in Santa Cruz, Aptos, Watsonville, Santa Cruz Mountains. Give us a call if you have questions. 

Architect :Bret Hancock